Vocal/Diction Coaching

  • Would you like to study opera roles and perfect your Italian diction with a native Italian coach?

  • Would you like to improve your musicianship and learn the performance practice of the opera and vocal repertoire?

  • Are you looking for a professional coach-pianist-conductor to prepare and win your next audition?

You are in the right place! Working with a native Italian coach is an invaluable opportunity to perfect your repertoire, learn the language nuances that you won't find in textbooks, and distinguish yourself in your upcoming audition. We will work on your repertoire addressing pronunciation, intonation, phrasing, expression, interpretation, and performance practice.

Choose one of the Lesson Cycles below, or contact me if you need a personalized one.

Zoom lessons are also available.

Not sure these coaching sessions are what you need? Come for a free trial lesson!


10-LESSON Cycle

Ten coaching sessions on operatic and chamber repertoire of your choice. Two lessons per week, one hour each.

Cost/lesson: $70

Cycle: $700

Cycle with 10% student discount*: $630


5-LESSON Cycle

Five coaching sessions on operatic and chamber repertoire of your choice. One lesson per week, one hour each.

Cost/lesson: $70

Cycle: $350

Cycle with 10% student discount*: $315



A set of coaching sessions to prepare/review/perfect a specific role. The number of lessons (typically 2-4) will vary according to the role length.

Cost/lesson: $70

Cycle: $140-$280 (depending on the number of lessons)

Cycle with 10% student discount*: $126-$252 



If you are unable to come to a scheduled lesson, you are required to notify it at least twenty-four hours in advance. You are allowed to cancel and reschedule up to two lessons per cycle. The lessons can be rescheduled within the same week or at the end of the cycle. I reserve the right to reschedule lessons for professional conflicts.


* The student discount applies to students currently enrolled in High School, University or College, or recently graduated (2023).